Tidbit, Tools, and Additional Learning


Therapy Myths: Busted

Does Therapy Work? Is One Intervention More Effective Than Another? Do Therapists Get Better The Longer They Practice?

Things We’re Modeling For Our Kids When We Lose Our Cool (More Positive Than You Think)

What we fail to recognize, and honestly give ourselves grace with, is that losing our cool with our children is a completely normal incident. Why? Because we’re humans AND parents, but mostly human. I want to give you permission to resolve guilt around being human and losing your cool. The imprint of these moments comes…

Emotional CPR- It’s Life Saver

Have you ever taken CPR? It can feel really awkward. The last one I took was during COVID (Gotta stay up-to-date on those certs), but it was just me and the trainer in the room. A big room. A cold room.A dining room, WITH A CANDLESTICK (Clue, anyone?) The awkward energy was thick. In the…

Family Pillowcase Art Activity

This activity is near and dear to my heart. It allows from some quality time as a family while also identifying strengths and expressing appreciation for each member of the family. The best part, is all the proof is in the pillow. You get to use the pillowcase permanently to always be reminded of what…

Parenting is SO FREAKING HARD!

My 6-year old has been working very hard to learn to ride her bike. Every day when I dropped her off at school she would ask, “Mom, will you please bring my bike to the bus stop today?”Of course I would. I would walk it the one block to the bus stop so she could…

The Mindset of Mom Guilt

My 2-year-old wanted to co-sleep last night for the first time in, probably, 18 months. She normally goes to bed in her own room, in her own bed. I try really hard to do my work around my kids. So, three days a week I have childcare and the other days I’m trading off childcare…

Part #4 The Amygdala: Always on Guard

Hello, hello! Welcome back to the Emotional Regulation Series, part #4 of potentially one thousand. Just kidding, but I did tell you it was A LOT of information that was coming at you. This week is all about the Amygdala, the guard dog of our brain. It’s nicknamed the guard dog, because, that’s right! You…

Part #3 Emotional Regulation: The Elephant of Our Brain

Welcome to Week #3 in the Emotional Regulation Series! So far we’ve covered what emotional regulation is and why it matters and the prefrontal cortex. This week is all about the Hippocampus. While I think the hippocampus should definitely be represented by a hippo graphic, it’s often explained using an elephant. Why? Because your hippocampus…

The Downlow on The Prefrontal Cortex

Emotional regulation and the parts of the brain is NO JOKE. It’s a lot of info to take in. I want to make the information as digestible and applicable in your home as possible. That’s why I recorded a video of the technique that I use as a parent AND a therapist to start introducing…


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